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St. Joseph's Medical Center: SJMC Library

Serving Stockton, California

Literature Search

Welcome to SJMC Medical Library!

Red Book Online2024–2027 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (33rd Edition) - Clinical guidance on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 childhood infectious diseases. 

Conference Space in the Library!

Conference space was set up in the Library backroom with a big wall monitor, a conference table and a podium. A laptop is connected to a wall monitor. Feel free to contact Helen Chang, libraian to reserve/use the the conference space foryour meeting. 



CSH email and password to access Library resources

OKTA Login: Sing in with your CSH email and Password to access Library resources on and off campus. If you run into an error message, please follow the procedures in "How to Reqeust OKTA Login" below.  OpenAthens Login can be used, if OKTA login is not available for you. Click to register for OpenAthens

For remote access, Google "SJMC Library" or  "St. Joseph's Medical Center Medical Library" and click Medical library online resources in the bottom and sign into OKTA or OpenAthens

SJMC Medical Library

Accessible: 24/7 with badge swiping for RNs, Medical and Pharmacy staff

Location: 1st floor of Medical Center Building, at the end of the admin hallway.

Computers & Printers: 15 computers are available, which are conncected to printers and online clinical resources: multiple Databases and Journals/eBooks, EHR, Pathways, Google Workspace. 

Librarian: Mon-Fri, 8:00 am -4:30 pm, Serving staff and physicinas affiliated with SJMC and CSH hospitals. 

How to Request OKTA Login

Note: If you receive the 403 App Not Assigned message, you are not yet assigned this app for OKITA. Please  follow the procedures in How to Request OKTA Login or contact SJMC Librarian at

Ask a Librarian

Helen Chang, MLIS, AHIP



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Enter the title or keywords of journal or ebook (ex. JAMA, heart, etc) -- takes 30 sec. 
